1 st Annual Awards Luncheon

Women of Distinction of Greater Chattanooga

Annual Awards Luncheon


Annual Awards Luncheon

This award is presented to honor women who set themselves apart through their civic, cultural, philanthropic, human service, environmental and professional contributions to our community.

Paraphrasing Robert Lewis Stevenson: The woman is a success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much: who has gained the respect of intelligent friends and the love of children: who leaves the world better than she found it, whether by an improved flower, a perfect poem or a rescued soul: who never lacked appreciation of the earth’s beauty or failed to express it: and who looked for the best in others and gave the best she had.

The Women of Distinction of Greater Chattanooga committee and all the sponsors say THANK YOU to the many women who have been and will be honored—a huge THANK YOU for making a difference in our world.


Nominations and Sponsorships

Nominations for the 2025 Women of Distinction of Greater Chattanooga are open! Please find a digital or paper nomination form below. Are you interested in becoming a sponsor? Please find our sponsorship form below as well.



       November 12, 2025




       Chattanooga Convention Center

       1150 Carter St.

       Chattanooga, TN 37402



Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library



In 1985, Loveman’s began a tradition of recognizing ten of Chattanooga’s best dressed women for the personal sense of style and fashion.  Since those early years, the award has evolved to symbolize the many extraordinary contributions women have made to our community.  These women were actually Women of Distinction, too.  In 1993, the Woman of Distinction award was presented for the first time to honor women who set themselves apart through their professional achievements and civic, cultural, philanthropic, human service, and environmental commitments to the community.

Since 1983, more than 300 local women have been honored as Women of Distinction.

A Woman of Distinction is one who:

  • Volunteers her time to help improve the quality of life for others.

  • Establishes standards that inspire and encourage other women to achieve their full potential.

  • Provides leadership and influences decisions that shape and define our city and community.

These women give of themselves through their time, energy, and talents to make a difference in our world. They are wives, mothers, sisters and friends. These Women of Distinction are representative of what every woman does-- -juggling professional careers, families, community service and philanthropic work.

In 2017, The American Lung Association closed its Chattanooga office.  Believing that the recognition should be continued, a group of past Women of Distinction Chairs, came together to discuss the best way to sustain and even enhance the event. One of the most significant changes made was to give all of the proceeds to local healthcare entities supporting those dealing with lung and heart issues instead of it leaving the community as in years past.


Women of Distinction

Founding member
* Deceased


Dawn Abel

Bobbie Abercrombie*

Elizabeth Ahmed

Ann McKenzie Aiken

Amelia L. Allen*

Corinne Allen*

Maxine Alper*

Deborah Arfken

Elizabeth Deloris Appling

Rebecca Ashford

Maxine Bailey

Suzanne Bailey

Cathy Baker

Ann Ball

Cathy Barker

Mary Barker*

Julie Baumgardner

Verina Baxter*

Judy Bellenfant

Caroline Bentley

Nancy Berg

Nora Bernhardt

Monique Berke

Ouida Y. Bianco

Claire Binder

Charlotte Boatwright

Dr. Valerie Boaz

Jacqueline Bolton

Alexis Bogo

Rae Bond

Sara Bowen

Faye Boyle

Sheila Boyington

Julie Brandao

Sandra Brewer Mitchell

Ruth Brinkley

Becky Browder

Darlene Brown

Debbie Brown

Jacqueline Brown

Nicole Brown

Tara Brown

Cherilyn Bryant

Lynn Mosier Bryant

Amanda Faith Buchanan

MaryEllen Locher Burd*

Cam Busch

Priscilla Caine

Betsy Caldwell

Margaret Callihan

Margaret Culpepper Card*

Susan Card

Rhonda Catanzaro

Marilyn Center

Dolores Chandra*

Gail Chapman

Kim Chapman

Susan Cobb

Kim Coffey

Jo Coke

Suzanne Cohn*

Linda Collins

Nancy Collins

Nancy Collum

Janey Cooke

Eleanor Cooper

Beverly J. Cosley

Pamper Crangle

Stefanie Crowe

Gina Maxwell Crumbliss

Jennifer Ley Crutchfield

Shirley Cudabac

Sue Culpepper

Bonnie Currey*

LaTrice Currie

Catharine Daniels

Cynthia Inglis Dale

Elizabeth Davenport*

Leland Davenport

Susan Davidson

Terry Denniston

Robin Derryberry

Darlene Lane-Detman

Gina Dhanani

Karen Diamond

Eva Dillard

Teresa Dinger

Deborah DiStefano

Sandy Brandt Chambers Dittus

Carla Donina

Patti Dungan

Evelyn Miles Duval

Pat Eaker

Marcy Eason

Missy Elliott

Jennifer Ellis

Deborah Harrison Everhart

Helen McDonald Exum*

Angeline B. Fairchild

Terri Farmer*

Connie Farrar

Nancy Tripp Fell

Alva Fields*

Vilma Scruggs Fields*

Sissy Figlestahler

Marj Flemming

Kitty Forbes

Suzanne Noblit Forlidas

JoAnn Forman

Trish White Foy

Judy Franck

Nancy Franks

Joan Frierson

Patti Frierson

Linda Friberg

Charlynne Fry

Kathie Fulgham

Pat Fuller

Myra G. Fuller

Sherry L. Fusco

Elizabeth Gaines

Gail Coulter Gannaway*

Rona Gary

Tanya Gipson

Joyce Godsey

Robin Grant

Autumn Graves

Bonnie Graves*

Vicky B. Gregg

Christy Griffith

Jeanine Alday Grogg

Carolyn W, Guerry

Julie Guerry

Annie Hall

Cindy D. Hall Chandler

Emmy Haney

June Hanks

Becky Fuller Hansard

Jane W. Harbaugh*

Martina Suttle Harris

Dolores Harvey*

Holly Harwell

Linda Harwell

Patsy Hazelwood

Jan Headrick*

Ellen Heavilon

Paula Henderson

Bobbie Hendrix*

Fannie Hewlett

Ardena Garth Hicks

Elaine Hill

Rosemarie Hill

Linda Hisey

Jayne Holder

Katherine Holland*

Terri Holley

Mary Holliday*

Ruth Holmberg*

Everlena M. Holmes

Lynda Minks Hood

Shewanee D. Howard-Baptiste

Kari Hudson

Susie Hunt*

Kristy Huntley

Mai Bell Hurley*

Debbie Ingram

Deanne Irvine

Ronna-Renee Jackson

Dionne Jennings

Janet Jobe

Beverly Johnson

Beverly Pasley Johnson

Donna Davis Johnson

Stacy Johnson

Ginny Johnson

Betty Jolly*

Carolyn Jones*

Eleanor Jones

Jane Kaylor

Margaret Kelley

Mary Killbride

Donna Killian

Marcia Kling

Candy Kruesi

Shawn Kurreleier-Lee

Pam Ladd

Peggy Laney

Charlotte Landis

Clara Lane*

Beverly Langley

Martha Law*

Sharon Law

Donna Fitch Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

Brenda Lawson

Alison Lebovitz

Tracie LeSar

Mickey Leventhal*

Mary Stewart Lewis

Jill Levine

Mary Jane Levine

Stacy Lightfoot

Katherine R. Lindgren

Jimmy Lou Lindsey*

Marilyn Lloyd*

Ray Long

Virginia Love

Bea Lyons

Daisy Madison

Diane Mason*

Daisy Mauyra-Ballard

Maddin McCallie*

Donna McConnico

Betsy McCright

Terri McDowell

June H. McEwen*

LaFonda W. McGee

Lynn Tepley McGee

Karla McKamey-Valadez

Lynn McKamey

Lyda McKeldiin*

Mary McMillan

Linda McReynolds

Phyllis Mescon

Molly Miles

Gloria Miller

Phyllis Miller

Nancy Mills

Norma Mills

Linda Moss Mines

Nell Mohney*

Kristina Montague

Helen Moore*

Mary Navarre Moore

Sara Morgan

Linda Morris

Jan Moses

Hilda Murray

Joan McNeill Murray*

Carol Mutter

Renee Nail

Carol Newton

Jennifer Nicely

Ruth Obear*

Susan Burkett O’Hare

Tilda Oehmig*

Kirby Oldham

JoKatherine Page

Mukta Panda

Judy Bennett Parker

Diane Parks

Jean Payne

Dana Perry

Rickie Pierce

Susan P. Pierce

Mary Portera

Loretta Prater

Helen Pregulman

Marcie Pregulman

Jeanne Flint Rahlfs*

Sister Judy Raley

Susan Raschal

Linda Rath

Barby Wilson Reeves

Janelle Reilly

Margaret Reisman

Susan Rich

Jean Battle Richardson

Jody Riggs

Yvonne Ring

Cindy Rix

Marty Robinson

Sally Lindsay Robinson

Donna Roddy

Caroline Rogers

June Scobee Rodgers

Sandra Rowland

Rhoda Ruffner

Lorie Mallchok Runge

Marti Rutherford

Valerie Rutledge

Julia Sanford

Molly K. Sasse*

Jeanne Scanland

Krystal Scarbrough

Carolyn Schaerer

Virgina Schmissrauter*

Colleen Schmitt

Pam Schulman

Rachel Schulson

Eleanor Schwartz*

Donyel Scruggs

Christie Sell

Ronelle Sellers

Cindy Sexton

Patricia Shackleford-Gray

Virginia Ann Sharber

Minnie Sherman*

Laurie Shipley

Frances Simmons*

Cyndee Rice Sims

Pris Siskin

Dr. Cathie Smith

Chris Smith


Darlene Smith

Frances S. Smith

Judy St.Charles

Barbie Standefer

Pat Starke* 

Lila Statom

Susan Stein

Betty Stocker*

Harriette Stokes

Ann Marie Stone

Judy Street

Scottie Summerlin

Florence V. Summitt*

Angela Supan

Rebecca Smith Suttles

Elaine Swafford

Mary Tanner

Betsy Chapin Taylor

Julie Taylor

Amy Thomas

Lizabeth Thomas

Charlesetta W. Thompson

Linda C. Thompson

Eileen Thornton

Greather Tinker*

Cindy Todd

Loraine Torrence

Brenda K. Turner

Shelia Ullenberg

Jerri C. Underwood

Nancy Underwood

Edna Varner

Amy S. Walden

Caroline McGuire Walker

Joy Walker*

Karen Walsh

Nicole Watson

Ann Weeks

Sue Anne Wells

Kristina C. Wick

Ellen Whitaker*

Kim White

Bonnie Williams

Gwen Williams

Marie Williams

Mary Anne K. Williams

Merri Mai Williamson

Lillie Wills

Barby Wilson

Finette Winer

Sue Winston

Dakasha Winton

Florence B. Witt*

Barbara Wofford

Diane Wolford

Tracy L. Wood

Lynn H. Woodworth*

Jo Ann Yates*

Marsha Yessick

Ginny Young 

Jean Burke Young

Pinky Young

Sonia Young*

Tammy Zumbrun


Tennessee Women of Distinction


Lois Riggins Ezell
Tennessee State Museum Director

Marilyn Lloyd
3rd District United States Congresswoman

June Scobee Rodgers
Founding Chair of Challenger Center

Martha Ingram
Nashville Businesswoman and Philanthropist

Pat Summitt
University of Tennessee Lady Vols
Head Basketball Coach

Wilma Dykeman
Tennessee Historian and Author

Dr. Nell Mohney
Author, Columnist and Motivational Speaker

Mary Costa
Internationally Acclaimed Soprano

Patricia Neal
Oscar-Winning Best Actress

Venus Lacy
Olympic Gold Medalist

Ruth Holmberg
Newspaper Publisher, Arts Patron & Philanthropist 2003

Ruth Street
Community Leader and Philanthropist

Alice Lupton
Community Leader & Philanthropist

Norma “Butch” Mills
Community Leader & Philanthropist

Jo Ann Yates
Community Leader & Philanthropist

Sonia Young
Community Leader, Arts Patron and Writer

Marcia Kling
Television Personality and Philanthropist

Vicky Gregg
Retired CEO BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, Community Leader

Dr. Phyllis Miller

Rickie Pierce

Susan Elliott Rich

Mai Bell Hurley
Community Leader and Philanthropist

Patsy Hazelwood
State Representative

Maxine Alper
Mary Barker
Dr. Neil Mohney
Jo Ann Yates

Diamonds of Distinction

Kim Creswell
Broadway Vocalist

Debbie McKee
Fowler Business and Community

Ann Scott Davis
Mayor, Athens, TN

Holly Warlick
University of Tennessee Lady Vols
Head Basketball Coach

Thelma Louise Mandrell
Tennessee Country Music Singer

Crissy Haslam
Former First Lady of Tennessee, Philanthropist, and Children’s Education Advocate


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